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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Sun, February 15th, 2009, 03:45 PM
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And, 92 5.0, from posts in the past that Corey's made on this subject, they really don't decide to have "specials" until they do it.

I suspect too, you may have misunderstood something Corey or Bill said to you about custom tunes. If you had no specific driving goals in mind and your truck was stock, then probably the canned tune is fine. My truck was essentially stock (until I made the CAI I put on it), but I knew I wanted to pull a trailer and it was going to involve travel at high altitudes at times, as well as pulling it through the desert in the middle of summer. I also wanted good passing performance but was not concerned with rapid acceleration from a standing stop. Bill thought he could tweak a few things to make these needs better. I started out getting just one tune from him - the towing tune, but have since gotten a non-towing "economy" tune. I like them both.

But - Bill and Corey WILL NOT try to talk you into anything you don't need or really want. Perhaps you did not make any special desires clear to them.

- Jack
Old Sun, February 15th, 2009, 08:32 PM
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I know this isn't really my business BUT (LOL), I can personally vouch for Corey. I e-mailed back and forth with her for a week not knowing what I wanted but thought I needed 3 custom tunes. After a few more days of back and forth she told me 2 would fit my needs. She knew I had no idea of what I was doing and still did not encourage or coerce me to make the decision to spend more than I needed.

Just my 2 cents!
07 FX4 SCAB, 4.56 Yukons, K&N 57 CAI, Flowmaster 40 SI/DO, Rhino lined, Westin grille and tail light guards, Kobalt 2500 truck box and the best mod of all.....a Gryphon!
Old Sun, February 15th, 2009, 10:04 PM
92 5.0 92 5.0 is offline
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I am not questioning your integrity at all. I can't wait to get it!! When I called I talked to Bill and he was very informative. What Bill said was what you just posted about a custom tune. The way I said it gave a different meaning and gave me a different imoression. So I gathered it was really for modded vehicles not really realizing tunes could be created for such things as "Tow Tunes". I am satisfied with the price I paid but like most consumer's at any store when you miss a deal close in time a person thinks Come On. I can't wait to put this on and now knowing this I might have a custom tune made for when I pull my snowmobile trailer. Had no intentions of making a bad situation here what so ever. I have learned alot from the people here in a short amount of time. Lets put this topic to rest.

Originally Posted by Groovy Chick View Post

I have written this post in my head dozens of times since I read your first post. I will do my best to stay objective, but it's very hurtful when someone questions our integrity.

From what I gather, you seem to have two gripes, and I'll address them separately. The first has to do with what I highlighted in two different posts that you've made. Bill and I sit about 10 feet away from each other. I don't know which one of us spoke with you before you placed your order, but I can GUARANTEE you that neither one of us said, "Custom tunes aren't worth it on a stock truck." How do I know? Because about half of our customers are driving stock trucks with our custom tunes. I believe, to paraphrase you, we very well might have said, "A custom tune isn't NEEDED for a stock truck." Those are two very different statements, and I stand by the second one! Custom tunes aren't NEEDED on a stock truck! Tens of thousands of people are currently driving around with the Edge Evolution's canned tunes and are tickled pink. Had either of us gotten the impression that your driving needs would be better served with one or more custom tunes, we would have told you. Think about it -- why would we NOT sell you something that you NEED when in the end, that's how we pay our bills? It has always been -- and will remain -- our policy NOT to sell a customer something he doesn't need, and since we spend at least 10 minutes on the phone with most customers, I seriously doubt that custom tunes weren't discussed; I do however, believe that we very well could have ended the conversation having mutually decided that you would be happy with the canned tunes.

Your second issue appears to be that I didn't mention to you that we were having a sale this weekend. I woke up Friday morning to a Macy's President's Day Sale commercial. When Billy got up, I told him, "By the way, we're having a sale Friday through Monday." That's how it happened, and that's generally how it's happened for the past year. For your own personal knowledge, there have been a few customers who have placed orders right before an upcoming sale (so far it's happened only one time where I actually thought far enough ahead to PLAN a sale) who have been given the discount even though they ordered before the sale actually started. Bill and I tangle with this every time we decide to have a sale. Do we grandfather in the people who have placed an order within the past 2 days? 3 days? Week? We are always trying to find ways of SAVING people money. Unlike many other tuners, we are not in this business to get rich and rip people off. In fact, a Phoenix customer asked us recently why our 6-position chip is so much less expensive than our competition. After hesitating, Bill simply told him, "We just don't gouge the hell out of people."

If me NOT pushing custom tunes on you is still a problem, I will be more than happy to let you choose 1, 2, or 3 custom tunes at the $30 price (usually they're $50 if you order them after you order your programmer). It wouldn't be fair, however, to offer you a free calibration, as I didn't even know that we were having a sale at the time you placed your order. In addition, there were other orders placed before Friday that did not receive the discount, so it wouldn't be fair to offer it to you.

If you would prefer to cancel your order because you think that we weren't completely aboveboard by not telling you about a sale of which we had no knowledge, please refuse your package when UPS delivers it. Upon receipt, I will promptly refund your payment.
Old Mon, February 16th, 2009, 12:50 AM
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92 5.0, I've chosen to reopen this thread just long enough to point out to you why all of us on this forum have such a high regard for Bill and Corey, in case you missed it).

Notice you could have had the unit returned, on THEIR dime, no questions asked, if you were unhappy with the deal. Notice she is extending the lower "per tune" price to you as an act of goodwill. You are simply not going to find better people to work with than Bill and Corey, in our estimation.

And, in the future, if you have problems with someone, it might be better to use a PM at first, before making your unhappiness public.

Sorry to everyone. I needed to get that off my chest. The thread's back to bed again.

- Jack

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