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Gryphon Programmer (Disabled)
Edge Product has discontinued the Edge Evolution 2, but we still provide support and tuning for it.

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Old Tue, March 24th, 2009, 11:48 PM
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Default Gryphon issues

I just received word that my custom tunes were ready for uploading. I printed off the Pegasus instructions and followed them and downloaded the software. The problems seems to be that my computer won't recognize that I have the Gryphon plugged in so I can upload my tunes. The Gryphon turns on when plugged in, it just won't do anything else.

Has anyone ran into this problem? I also went through the troubleshooting in the instructions for Vista as well.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 11:36 AM
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OK, If you've installed Pegasus, there should be a Pegasus icon on your desktop that looks like PHP's "biting mouth". You've double clicked on that to open Pegasus, right?

Now, when you plug in the Gryphon, look at the status line on the bottom of the Pegasus window: You should see a status of "Connected" in the second panel from the left and your unit's Serial Number (S/N) in the right hand panel.

If you have this picture, you're good to go. Select Updates->Targeted Functions to begin downloading your tunes into the Gryphon. It will take a while and you'll see advisories that tell you what's happening as things progress.

If you've followed these instructions and you still have no joy, then Bill will have to help you.

- Jack

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Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 02:50 PM
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It never shows that it is connected to the computer. It is powering up the Gryphon though. It turns on and glows red but nothing else happens.

I will give PHP a call. Thanks for the reply.
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by machx4 View Post
It never shows that it is connected to the computer. It is powering up the Gryphon though. It turns on and glows red but nothing else happens.

I will give PHP a call. Thanks for the reply.
You didn't answer my first question, and I think that's the problem. Are you opening the Pegasus application on your PC? The Gryphon will not open it. You have to double click the icon to open it.

- Jack
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 04:44 PM
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do you have windows vista on your PC?

Windows Vista: If you are running Windows Vista and are not able to get the device to
connect to the software, you may be required to temporarily disable the Windows User
Account Control (UAC) in order to update your device. We understand that this may
make some users uncomfortable and if the idea of disabling the UAC is not a valid option
then we recommend that you install the software on a machine that is running another
version of Windows such as XP, NT, 2K or ME.
To disable the UAC, go to the Windows button and select [Control Panel], [User Accounts
and Family Safety], and then select [User Accounts]. Select [Turn User Account
Control on or off] and then on the next screen uncheck the [Use User Account Control
(UAC) to help protect your computer] check box. After clicking [OK], the computer will
need to reboot in order to complete the change. The Pegasus software should now
work correctly and allow the software to connect to the device.

for screen shots dl the user guide at this link (look on page 5)
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 05:23 PM
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Good on you for posting the Vista instructions, xthorxz400. I probably should have done it, but when he said he'd gone through, "the troubleshooting in the instructions for Vista", I thought maybe he'd taken care of that problem. Of course, that could easily be the problem as well.

- Jack
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
Good on you for posting the Vista instructions, xthorxz400. I probably should have done it, but when he said he'd gone through, "the troubleshooting in the instructions for Vista", I thought maybe he'd taken care of that problem. Of course, that could easily be the problem as well.

- Jack
woops i didn't even see he put that lol dang that speed reading!!!oh well mab the screen shots will help I had this problem and had to use this fix is the only reason why i posted that lol

well in that case try this MACH

bring up your run command by going to start then clicking on run...next type in devmgmt.msc and click ok...this will bring up your device manager...click on the + sign next to "universal serial bus controllers" and you should find your gryphon listed in here "i think it is USB controllers" I will let you know for sure later ....anyhow you should be able to find your gryphon somewhere in the device manager when it is plugged into your computer....once you find your gryphon try to right click and reinstall the driver for it (the driver came with the software you downloaded from PHP)....if you have ever had a "edge" installed on your computer it will almost always come up with the driver for the edge so look for that also...if that is the case right click and uninstall the driver for the edge. when it asks you to delete the driver click yes....you will then need to unplug and replugin your gryphon....you should be able to install the driver that came with the php software. If that doesn't fix your problem try another usb port on your computer or another usb cable. If that does not work go lowes and get the biggest hammer they have.....next take your computer outside and smash it 2 hell...orrrr you could contact PHP...id go with the hammer!!

ps sometimes it helps to disconnect and reconnect your gryphon when looking for it in the device manager

Last edited by dsilva584; Wed, March 25th, 2009 at 06:19 PM.
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 08:01 PM
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You hit the nail on the head. The computer was seeing it as an edge product. As soon as I deleted the edge items. It worked just like it was supposed to.

Thanks for the information You rock!

Now to program the truck!
Old Wed, March 25th, 2009, 09:29 PM
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Super work, xthorxz400! (I don't waste these smileys on just anyone)!

VERY clear instructions on how to get rid of the conflicting driver - I'd totally forgotten about that possibility. I'm delighted you got him going again, leaving Bill to do more important stuff.

This is how forums SHOULD work, isn't it?

- Jack
Old Thu, March 26th, 2009, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by JackandJanet View Post
Super work, xthorxz400! (I don't waste these smileys on just anyone)!

VERY clear instructions on how to get rid of the conflicting driver - I'd totally forgotten about that possibility. I'm delighted you got him going again, leaving Bill to do more important stuff.

This is how forums SHOULD work, isn't it?

- Jack
haha yep bill keeping busy = me getting my custom tune faster plus it gives me something to do when i am at work and i think ill have one with you

tell how how the custom tune feels MACH!!and what tune did you get?

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