View Full Version : 1999 to 2003 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel

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  1. Questions on my shifting patterns
  2. ruff idle still
  3. Smokeless performance tune?
  4. Pushrods, valve springs, rocker arm, valves
  5. Problem 7.3 65 Hp tow - lost cruise control cant do a KOEO test
  6. PLEASE, help with this 7.3 no start
  7. A few newbie questions....
  8. Transcommand, Gryphon
  9. After market exhaust.....
  10. tough question
  11. Transmission problems
  12. Towing with tune?
  13. Does this make sense?
  14. PCM Reflash and tunes
  15. 64 bit windows 7 burner
  16. Found a bunch of Codes with AE...
  17. Getting Started Asking Questions
  18. My engine build thanks to Bill,Cody and Brad
  19. Romps
  20. howdy from va beach
  21. tuner plz help 1316 on 99s
  22. Bio Diesel
  23. Theoretical ¼ mile times
  24. 7.3 trans tuning
  25. Access code? How and when do I get it?
  26. Cummins intake products
  27. Bout to order
  28. Gryphon CTS tunes questions
  29. Suspension needs on Excursion for heavy towing
  30. Dyno Question
  31. Exhaust BP sensor
  32. pros and cons of options to remedy turbo surge?
  33. 4wd Electronic Shifting, what are locking hubs for?
  34. Terminator T-500 HPOP installed - woot!
  35. chip question
  36. Rosewood's 160/80 injectors
  37. sensor eliminator
  38. I just got a 2002 7.3L Crew Cab! :D
  39. intake and exhaust
  40. Why wont it shift??!
  41. Need a Code Scanner near Hood River OR
  42. Recommended Tranny upgrades
  43. Setting Turbo Boost with boost foolers
  44. New Tunes
  45. Changing tire size and removing body lift?
  46. Diagnosing drivetrain noise
  47. Removed the red line from wastegate solenoid
  48. veg oil in diesel
  49. Clutch Issues?
  50. '08 mirrors
  51. Which shocks to get
  52. IDM
  53. Syn oil
  54. Recon cab lights wiring
  55. 7.3L HP/TQ: stock & with tunes
  56. Exhaust leak
  57. Which CPS
  59. MPG drop after ported housing and HPOP install
  60. Cold Starting with a tune
  61. Injector options before or after D66
  62. Thoughts on a Zombie intake?
  63. injectors and tuning
  64. Intercooler boots and hoses
  65. Engine perimiters
  66. AIS with Tuner
  67. Phoenix clutches?
  68. adrenaline hpop
  69. hp goes down
  70. Disappointed customer cts
  71. doing some reading
  72. can u tell I'm new here?
  73. magnaflow
  74. First impression
  75. BAD PCM?
  76. Power locks not working
  77. PCM DPCs
  78. PCM
  79. Thanks
  80. moates quarter horse
  81. The results are in... What everyone cares about: MPG
  82. 2 questions. Water/meth and boost at idle
  83. Sleek, factory looking TS Chip install....
  84. !BILL! 2 questions... (HPOP and IDM)
  85. calibration codes
  86. My clutch went out last week. Need some suggestions.
  87. Full Force Injectors
  88. Gryphon questions
  89. 99 7.3 f350 oil pump/ ICP pressure
  90. Highest PMR #'s seen?
  91. emergancy failed smog need to talk to bill
  92. do I need a Cat for texas
  93. PCM Shows up as Ford Tarus
  94. Stage 2 rosewood injector trade
  95. What does "No Start" setting do
  96. Leaky Up-pipes?
  97. Replaced ebps...got codes
  98. Glow plugs always getting power!?
  99. Blowby?
  100. Injector Pulse Width?
  101. Help a new guy out?
  102. CTS Questions
  103. reflash? (tires and gears)
  104. Guessing PCM Code?
  105. Can of worms, need upgrade opinions please
  106. Water/Meth Injection
  107. 2000 F-550 looking for best power/fuel economy.
  108. 7.3 vs 5.9
  109. Stock 2001 7.3 and newbe help
  110. 4R100 Horror stories
  111. Meet Winona!
  112. no cleatus? help from meadator
  113. PCM Signal Return???
  114. Fuel mileage
  115. BD Thruster vs 38R
  116. Injector not firing
  117. DIY Mods?
  118. 3rd Battery?
  120. clutch slipping?
  121. TPS question
  122. hpop oil crossover line
  123. Miss and engine light on after running high idle setting
  124. 4R100 Tranny Upgrade...Need a Program Change?
  125. 65 Tow on PCM...Can I still get codes??
  126. EGT Probe location
  127. waiting on invoice.
  128. Stock boost on a 7.3
  129. Couple questions based on my truck and its mix of parts?
  130. Rev x and 7.3 powerstroke
  131. Help...Diesel Dies
  132. Trying to diagnose a "problem"...
  133. think my engine just blew 1st gear on my tranny.. Help
  134. upgrading e99 pcm
  135. Torque converter lockup
  136. Diesel smoke smog?
  137. P0328
  138. rough idle
  139. Deployed Soldier looking into TS Chip need some input please
  140. Glowplug carbon buildup
  141. PCM Issues??
  142. Buying a used diesel - 7.3L, 6.0L, 6.4L. Opinions?
  143. PMR Rod Replacement for my 2003 7.3L
  144. Truck Died
  145. TRUCK DOWN-What keeps truck from starting (crank/no start)
  146. FRx adapter size
  147. Mods/tuning
  148. Help deciding what combination of tunes for my truck
  149. won't smog bills tune smokes to much HELP
  150. cold weather startup
  151. 7.3 Carnage.
  152. 2003 with PHP Hydra- hunting gears
  153. Help me understand power vs economy as it relates to tuning
  154. 4R100 issue after rebuild
  155. Been a while.
  156. 7.3L 38R Turbo Wheel Comparison
  157. single shots wont idle
  158. Very new and equally confused
  159. Tune recovery from old chip
  160. Hard cold weather starts with fuel sipper tune
  161. Is this normal?
  162. Hard Transmission Down Shift
  163. Changing tunes
  164. Is smoke with Fuel Sipper normal
  165. Hydra blowing fuel pump fuse
  166. Mucho Carnage-esada
  167. bad chip pins?
  168. Hard shifting after PHP install
  169. Tuning help after tranny upgrade
  170. boost fooler?
  171. advice?
  172. Rough idle in gear, returns normal when in neutral
  173. P1211 code